



- 屋外で長い時間、PCを開いたり、電話しながら歩いたりしない。財布なんてもってのほか。
- クルマに乗ったらすぐにカギを閉める。離れる時は、見えるところにカバンを置かない。
- 夜に一人歩きしない。人数がいても、あやしげな通りは、すぐ引き返す。

- 安全の手引きLink
- 治安状況(カリフォルニア北部)Link
- 犯罪発生状況(1.1〜1. 31)Link




March 16, 2012

Armed Robbery at Mission Bay

On March 15, 2012, at approximately 4:30 P.M., a UCSF employee was robbed on Mission Bay Blvd North at 3rd Street while approaching the employee’s vehicle. One of the two suspects displayed a knife and grabbed the employee’s wallet and backpack. The suspects ran north on 3rd Street towards AT&T Park. One suspect was described as a black male, 27 years old, 5’11”, 240 lbs., with a full beard and no mustache, wearing a navy blue hooded sweatshirt (kangaroo pocket) with “Cal Berkeley” written across the chest. The second suspect was described as a male, 23-24 years old, 5’6”, 190 lbs., full beard and mustache, glasses, with a tattoo on his right wrist, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt (kangaroo pocket) with “UCSF” written across the chest.

The UCSF Police Department is currently investigating this incident. Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact UCSF PD at 415/. Employees, staff, and students are asked to report any suspicious persons or circumstances to UCSF PD immediately and to dial 9-911 in the case of an emergency.

Personal Safety Tips:

Suspects look for crimes of opportunity and certain personal safety measures can be followed to minimize your chances of becoming a victim. These are:
    Do not leave doors to buildings propped open.
    Prevent tailgating by closing all doors and gates behind you when entering or leaving.
    Be vigilant of suspicious persons. Call UCSF PD if a suspicious person is seen loitering on campus.
    Travel in groups whenever possible, especially at night.
    Avoid poorly-lit or deserted areas when walking at night.
    Make use of the shuttle and escort services.
    Stay alert to your surroundings; avoid headphone and cell phone use when walking or waiting alone.
    Do not stop in response to conversation starters (i.e. asking for time or directions).
    If you are walking to your car, keep your car keys easily accessible, preferably in your hand.
    If you feel you are being followed, go into an open business and ask for help.
    Keep emergency numbers pre-programmed into your cell phone.
    If you are faced with demands for your money or property, especially from an armed subject, comply with their demands in the interest of your safety.

Help fight crime by reporting suspicious activity to UCSF PD immediately. For emergency or in-progress events, dial 9-911 when using on-campus land lines and 415/ when using cell phones. For non-emergency calls, please dial 415/.


Together for a Safe and Crime Free Campus

Chief of Police

— posted by 千葉恒 at 12:47 pm   commentComment [0]  pingTrackBack [0]

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